


Queen's Park Ward

App Type:

Full Planning



118A St James's Street Brighton BN2 1TH     



Change of use from residential dwelling (C3) to a 3no bedroom house of multiple occupation (C4) incorporating replacement of glazed roof to conservatory with timber roof and clay interlocking tiles, installation of metal railings to first floor roof terrace with revised fenestration and associated works. (Part retrospective).



Mark Thomas, tel: 292336

Valid Date:



Con Area:

 East Cliff

Expiry Date: 



Listed Building Grade:   Grade II




Darryl Howells Planning Consultancy   Unit 6   The Axium Centre   Dorchester Road   Lytchett Minster   BH16 6FE           


Mr Khasru & Sabbir Miah & Ahmed   C/O DHPC    6 The Axium Centre   Dorchester Road   Poole   BH16 6FE           




1.                RECOMMENDATION


1.1.          That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out below and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the following Conditions and Informatives:



1.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings listed below.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

Plan Type



Date Received

Location and block plan


25 April 2022


Planning, Design and Heritage Statement  

25 April 2022

Proposed Drawing



6 July 2022

Proposed Drawing



6 July 2022

Proposed Drawing



6 July 2022

Proposed Drawing



6 July 2022



2.         The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To ensure that the Local Planning Authority retains the right to review unimplemented permissions.


3.         The hereby approved development shall only be occupied by a maximum of five (5) persons.  

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of accommodation for future occupiers and to comply with policies DM7 and DM20 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two.


4.         The rooms described as 'kitchen' and 'communal area' as detailed on the first floor level and 'communal' on the top floor level of the approved plans shall be retained as communal amenity space at all times and shall not be used as one or more bedrooms.  

Reason: To ensure a suitable standard of accommodation for occupiers to comply with policy DM20 and DM7 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two.


5.         The internal and external finishes of the works hereby permitted and of all works of making good shall match in material, colour, style and texture those of the existing features of the building unless otherwise specified in the approved drawings. 

Reason: To ensure the satisfactory preservation of this listed building and to comply with policy CP15 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and DM26 and DM27 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part 2


6.         Within 6 months of the date of this permission, unless an extended time frame is agreed with the LPA, the new tiled roof for the conservatory shall be installed in accordance with the approved plans and this shall be retained in place thereafter. 

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and to preserve the historic character of the listed building in accordance with DM26 and DM27 of City Plan Part Two


7.         Within 6 months of the date of this permission, unless an extended time frame is agreed with the LPA in writing, the external staircase shall be painted black, in accordance with the approved plans and retained as such thereafter. 

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and to preserve the historic character of the listed building and East Cliff Conservation Area in accordance with DM26 and DM27 of City Plan Part Two


8.         Within 6 months of the date of this permission, unless an extended time frame is agreed with the LPA in writing, the new timber windows and doors shall be installed in accordance with the approved details, and retained as such thereafter.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and to preserve the historic character of the listed building and East Cliff Conservation Area in accordance with DM26 and DM27 of City Plan Part Two


9.         Within 6 months of the date of this permission, unless an extended time frame is agreed with the LPA, the new railings to the first floor roof terrace shall be installed to the property in accordance with the approved drawings and retained as such thereafter.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and to preserve the historic character of the listed building and East Cliff Conservation Area in accordance with DM26 and DM27 of City Plan Part Two


10.      Prior to the revised roof terrace coming in to use, details of a 1.5 metre high screen on the western elevation of the terrace shall be submitted to and approved by the LPA in writing. The works shall be installed in accordance with the approved details and retained in place thereafter.  

Reason: To protect the amenity of the occupier of the development and the privacy of the occupiers of the adjacent property in accordance with policy DM20 of the City Plan Part 2



1.         In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy SS1 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One the approach to making a decision on this planning application has been to apply the presumption in favour of sustainable development.  The Local Planning Authority seeks to approve planning applications which are for sustainable development where possible.



2.               SITE LOCATION 


2.1.          The application relates to a mid-terrace property on the southern side of St James’ Street in Kemp Town. Dating from the late 18th or early 19th century, the character of the former house has been eroded by a twentieth century shopfront of no distinction inserted in the ground floor. A segmental bay to the first and second floors, with flat-arched, tripartite windows and sashes of original design are seen on the front elevation. The rear elevation has been extended and altered in the past with some inappropriate additions and UPVC windows. The property is Grade II listed and within the East Cliff Conservation Area.


2.2.          The area is mixed-use with a vibrant commercial street scene including a night-time economy and a mix of residential and commercial uses above street level. There is an Article 4 Direction in place restricting the conversion of single dwellinghouses to houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) without express planning permission being granted.



3.               RELEVANT HISTORY 


3.1.          BH2022/01325 [Listed Building Consent application]: Internal alterations to layout associated with change of use from residential dwelling (C3) to a 3no bedroom house of multiple occupation (C4) incorporating replacement of glazed roof to conservatory with timber roof and clay interlocking tiles, installation of metal railings to first floor roof terrace with revised fenestration and associated works. (Part retrospective). Concurrent listed building consent - Under consideration  


3.2.          BH2021/03527 Change of use from residential dwelling (C3) to a 4no bedroom house of multiple occupation (C4) (retrospective). Refused 8/2/2022  for the following reasons: 

1.      The proposed development, by reason of the cramped communal living space, together with the  provision of the sole communal space within a poorly-insulated conservatory, which is overlooked by the main accessway to two nearby properties, would offer substandard living-conditions. Furthermore, the submission fails to demonstrate that the roof-space bedrooms would provide acceptable living conditions in terms of available head-room. Taken together, the HMO would offer poor, cramped and oppressive living conditions for occupiers, contrary to policy QD27 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan, policy CP21 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One, and policies DM1 and DM7 of the submission Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two. 

2.      The submitted details include unauthorised works to a Listed Building which are inappropriate and cause significant harm to it, as shown on the submitted drawings (uPVC windows and doors and felt roof covering) and the submission documents (new metal staircase at the rear shown in photograph). Details of reinstatement works, as requested by the Local Planning Authority during the course of consideration of the application, have not been submitted for consideration. For the reasons outlined, the development would/has caused significant harm to the special historical and architectural significance of the Listed Building, contrary to policies HE1 and HE4 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan, Policy CP15 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One, and policy DM27 of the submission Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two.

3.      The proposal to situate the main communal living space within a conservatory, due to the lack of sound insulation compared to an internal room, would give rise to harmful noise disturbance to occupiers of neighbouring residential properties, contrary to policy QD27 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan, policy CP21 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One, and policies DM7 and DM20 of the submission Brighton and Hove City Plan Part two. 


3.3.          BH2021/03528  Internal alterations to layout associated with change of use from residential dwelling (C3) to a 4no bedroom house of multiple occupation (C4) (retrospective). Refused 9/2/2022


3.4.          BH2017/00964  - Installation of rooflight to South side of North facing roof to provide egress to roof. Approved 18/08/2017  


3.5.          BH2017/00965  - Installation of rooflight to South side of North facing roof to provide egress to roof. Approved 12/08/2017  


3.6.          BH2003/03714/LB  Single storey rear extension at first floor level. Formation of terrace at first floor level.  Demolition of small projection at second floor level and new window in rear elevation.  Installation of rooflight to rear roofslope. Approved 19/01/2004  


3.7.          BH2003/03715/FP  Single storey rear extension at first floor level. Formation of a terrace at first floor level. Demolition of small projection at second floor level and new window in rear elevation.  Installation of rooflight to rear roofslope. Approved 19/01/2004  





4.1.          Planning permission is sought for alterations to the layout of the property and a retrospective change of use from a residential dwelling (C3) to a three-bed HMO (planning use class C4). External alterations include the incorporation of a replacement roof to the existing conservatory, installation of metal railings to first floor roof terrace and new timber windows to replace the existing UPVC installations. The retrospective works include the regularisation of the installation of metal stairs to the rear and a felt roof on the existing rear accessway. 


4.2.          Amended drawings were received in July 2022 to clarify issues raised by the Heritage Team and to include suitable joinery detail for the new timber windows and doors. 


4.3.          The application follows a refusal for a four-bed HMO earlier in 2022 (see planning history).


4.4.          The key difference in this application is the proposal for three bedrooms reduces the previously-proposed occupancy and proposes an increase in the amount of communal space offered to improve the standard of accommodation. The proposal also includes some remedial measures to improve the historic character of the listed building.



5.               REPRESENTATIONS 


5.1.          6 (Six)  Letters of representation (two from the same individual) have been received objecting to the application for the following reasons: 

·         Noise and antisocial behaviour 

·         Maintenance issues 

·         Adverse effect on listed building

·         Adversely affects Conservation Area

·         Noise

·         Overdevelopment

·         Overshadowing

·         Residential Amenity

·         Loss of privacy

·         Still operating as an HMO without planning permission 

·         Detrimental effect on property value

·         Too close to the boundary 

·         Concerns relating to the retrospective nature of the works



6.               CONSULTATIONS 


6.1.          Heritage Initial comments 

This proposal is for the conversion of the room plan to be used as an HMO rather than a single residence. The existing and proposed plans both show the property as being planned as an HMO therefore we should see the room plan that preceded this to assess the harm caused by the change of use.


6.2.          There are no other concerns in principle about the exterior changes and the replacement windows. The single glazed sashes are an improvement on the uPVC and the timber French doors are modern and unsuited to the building


6.3.          There is no objection to the rear extension becoming one roofed in tiles rather than glass. However the detail design of the French doors should be clarified


Second consultation following amended drawings - No objection


6.4.          Planning Policy:   No comment  


6.5.          Sustainable Transport:   verbal comment - No objection

The proposed change of use from C3 residential use to C4 HMO residential use is expected to result in an increase in trip generation, however the level of trips is not expected to result in a negative impact on the local highway network. The proposed development does not include cycle parking provision, however no cycle parking is considered acceptable in this instance due to the site's constraints and lack of space internally/externally to deliver adequate cycle parking provision.


6.6.          Housing:  No comment received 


6.7.          Private Sector Housing:   No comment received  





7.1.          In accordance with Section 38 (6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, this decision has been taken having regard to the policies and proposals in the National Planning Policy Framework, the Development Plan, and all other material planning considerations identified in the "Considerations and Assessment" section of the report


7.2.          The development plan is:

·         Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One (adopted March 2016)

·         Brighton & Hove City Plan Part Two (adopted October 2022)

·         East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and   Minerals Plan (adopted February 2013);

·         East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Sites Plan (adopted February 2017); 

·         Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (adopted October 2019);



8.               POLICIES 

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 


Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One 

SS1              Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development

CP1              Housing Delivery

CP9              Sustainable transport

CP15            Heritage 

CP19            Housing mix

CP21            Student housing and Housing in Multiple Occupation


Brighton & Hove City Plan Part Two

DM1             Housing Quality, Choice and Mix

DM7             Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) 

DM18           High quality design and places 

DM21           Extensions and alterations

DM20           Protection of Amenity  

DM26           Conservation Areas

DM27           Listed Buildings

DM33           Safe, Sustainable and Active Travel

DM36           Parking and Servicing

DM40           Protection of the Environment and Health - Pollution and Nuisance


Supplementary Planning Documents: 

SPD09         Architectural Features 

SPD12         Design Guide for Extensions and Alterations

SPD14         Parking Standards





9.1.          The main considerations in assessing this application are the impact of the proposed development on the special architectural and historical character and significance of the Listed Building and the character and appearance of the wider conservation area, the principle of the change of use, the impact of the development on the amenity of occupiers of neighbouring properties, the standard of accommodation provided for occupiers of the development and transport and highways considerations. 


Principle of Development: 

9.2.          The application is for change of use from a C3 dwelling to a use which would allow occupation of the property as a 3 bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (planning use class C4)


9.3.          Policy CP21 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One specifically addresses the issue of changes of use to either class C4, a mixed C3/C4 use or to a sui generis House in Multiple Occupation and states that in order to support mixed and balanced communities and to ensure that a range of housing needs continue to be accommodated throughout the city, applications for the change of use to a Class C4 (Houses in multiple occupation) use, a mixed C3/C4 use or to a sui generis House in Multiple Occupation use (more than six people sharing) will not be permitted where:

'More than 10 per cent of dwellings within a radius of 50 metres of the application site are already in use as Class C4, mixed C3/C4 or other types of HMO in a sui generis use.' 


9.4.          A mapping exercise has taken place which indicates that there are 109 neighbouring residential properties within a 50m radius of the application property. Nine neighbouring properties have been identified as being in HMO use within the 50m radius. The percentage of neighbouring properties in HMO use within the radius area is thus 9.81%


9.5.          Based upon the existing percentage of neighbouring properties in HMO use, which is less than 10%, the proposal to change to a C4 HMO would be in accordance with policy CP21. 


9.6.          Policy DM7 of the recently adopted CPP2 includes additional criteria to those set out in Policy CP21, stating the following: 

Applications for new build HMOs, and applications for the change of use to a C4 use, a mixed C3/C4 use or to a sui generis HMO use, will be permitted where the proposal complies with City Plan Part One Policy CP21 and all of the following criteria are met:

a)      fewer than 20% of dwellings in the wider neighbourhood area are already in use as HMOs;

b)      the proposal does not result in a non-HMO dwelling being sandwiched between two existing HMOs in a continuous frontage;

c)      the proposal does not lead to a continuous frontage of three or more HMOs;

d)      the internal and private outdoor space standards provided comply with Policy DM1 Housing Quality, Choice and Mix;

e)      communal living space and cooking and bathroom facilities are provided appropriate in size to the expected number of occupants.


9.7.          Criterion a) has been assessed and the percentage of dwellings in the wider neighbourhood area has been calculated at 3.26 % and therefore criterion a has been met.


9.8.          Criterion b) has been assessed and it is confirmed that the proposal would not 'sandwich' a non-HMO between two existing HMOs.


9.9.          In relation to criterion c), however, the development would lead to a continuous frontage of three HMOs given the existence of HMO's already present at 119 St James's Street and 120-121 St James's Street. However, the supporting text of policy DM7 states that; "In situations where properties are not traditional houses situated along a street frontage, the policy can be applied flexibly depending on the individual circumstances of the proposal." In this case it is considered that the overall frontages of St James’St are not traditional houses, having commercial uses at ground floor level of all three buildings identified as HMOs. In this non-domestic setting it is considered that the continuous frontage of 3 HMOs would not cause harm to the amenity of the area that DM7 is seeking to protect. The neighbourhood in which the site is located is not suburban or dominated by residential uses but has commercial uses at ground floor level such that the increased level of activity associated with HMOs would have far less of an impact than would otherwise be the case. Taking the individual circumstances of this case is not considered to create an undue precedent such that should other applications fails to accord with criterion (c) or that the continuous run in this case be extended beyond three the LPA would still be able to refuse such applications should the circumstances warrant. It is also recognised that this application proposes improvements to the listed building which would be of both public benefit and would reduce the impact of the use of the property on neighbouring amenity. 


9.10.       Considerations regarding amenity space and communal living (criteria d) and e)) are set out below.  


9.11.       On this basis, the scheme is considered to accord with Policy DM7 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two and CP21 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part One.


Design and Appearance and impact on Heritage: 

9.12.       In considering whether to grant planning permission the Council has a statutory duty to have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses. 


9.13.       Case law has held that the desirability of preserving a listed building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest it possesses should be given "considerable importance and weight".


9.14.       The previous application was found to include contain works which would harm the historic character of the property. Some of the proposed works were not well explained or articulated and some previous alterations to the property were harmful and required removal or regularisation. 


9.15.       Planning policy DM27 and SPD09 advises  where appropriate, the planning authority will require - in conjunction with applications for a change of use, alteration or refurbishment - the reinstatement of original features on listed buildings, such as: mouldings, traditional doors and windows. 


9.16.       Since the previous application, discussions have been on-going with the Heritage Team to secure improvements to the property. In this application, the external metal staircase is proposed to be retained (as it provides access to other accommodation) but it is proposed to be painted black to better reflect the historic character of the property. The application also seeks regularisation of the felt covering of the second external staircase to the rear.


9.17.       In order to offer some tangible benefits to the historic character of the property, in accordance with DM27 and SPD09, the applicant is proposing to replace all current uPVC windows with timber windows. This is most welcome and would provide a significant benefit to the historic character of the property. The replacement windows include the top floor front dormer window, which given this is on the front elevation does provide wider public benefit.


9.18.       Improvements to the existing conservatory have been offered and shall be secured by way of the removal of the existing plastic roof. A new timber roof with clay interlocking roof tiles, to match the existing main roof is proposed. This offers a substantial improvement to the historic character of the property. The existing timber bay windows at first and second floors on the front elevation shall be repaired when necessary. 


9.19.       The works have been reviewed by the Heritage Team and are considered to be acceptable.  Planning conditions can be imposed to ensure the works to enhance the historic character of the property listed building are undertaken in a timely manner. Overall, it is envisaged that the enhancements will positively enhance the exterior of the Listed Building and should be given significant weight.


Standard of Accommodation: 

9.20.       Policies DM7 (relating to new HMO accommodation) and DM20 (amenity)  of CPP2 aim to secure a good standard of living accommodation for occupiers in all new developments. DM7 specifically states the internal and private outdoor space standards provided must comply with Policy DM1 Housing Quality, Choice and Mix, and communal living space and cooking and bathroom facilities are provided appropriate in size to the expected number of occupants. 


9.21.       The Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS) now referred to through DM1 apply to the change of use from dwelling to HMO. The previous application was refused over concerns over the standard and amount of communal space and the standard of accommodation for the rooms on the top floor of the property. The main difference in this application is one of the top floor bedrooms in the previous application would now be used as communal space. 


9.22.       At 97sqm the floor area is slightly below the NDSS threshold of 99sqm for a 3 bed, 5 person residential unit over 3 floors. As with the previous application, the first and second floor front bedrooms would be appropriately sized at 18-19m2, and would have natural light and an acceptable outlook through the front bay. These meet the space standards for a 2-person bedroom in the NDSS. Three shower rooms at second floor level would be sufficient for a three-bedroom HMO. 


9.23.       The third bedroom within the roof space is somewhat cramped, with a ceiling height the of 2.036m which is less than the recommended 2.3m over 75% of the floor space. As a result,  this small room would undoubtably feel oppressive for some occupants. Adjacent to this bedroom a small communal space is now proposed. Opportunities around opening-up the top floor to allow a better standard of bedroom with a dual aspect and better outlook and light were discussed and explored. However, there is no opportunity to remove the dividing wall in the upper floor due to structural issues and the harm to the historic fabric of the listed building. In this instance therefore, and giving the preservation of the heritage asset due weight in the planning balance, it is considered this room, despite the limited head height, can be accepted in this instance. This bedroom would only be suitable for a single occupant.


9.24.       As with the previous application, this application involves the conversion of the existing  living room at first floor in to a bedroom. The existing kitchen (12.6m) would be retained and would adjoin a communal space (7.3m2) within the existing conservatory. This conservatory area is proposed to be improved with a solid roof, this is considered to improve its useability as a communal space. 


9.25.       Communal spaces play a crucial role in accommodation of this type as inadequate communal areas increase the time occupants must spend in individual bedrooms. In this case, the communal space is considered appropriately sized for the needs of a 3-bedroom HMO. It is acknowledged that the communal space in the roofspace is limited but taken together with the first-floor spaces, the overall amount of communal floor space is considered adequate. The quality of the communal space however must also be assessed. The first floor space opens out on to the terrace and the access for the flats above 119 St James' Street. Having occupiers of other properties passing in close proximity to the only outlook from the communal space would encourage the use of blinds/shutters to preserve privacy, which is less than ideal. To compensate for this, the further communal space would be provided on the top floor can be taken into account and whilst this has a limited height, on balance - given that the communal space would now serve a 3 bedroom property, rather than a 4 bedroom property, the standard of communal space has been improved from the previous application, the communal space for a 3 bed HMO is now considered adequate.


9.26.       Taking in to account the constraints of converting a listed building, the accommodation proposed is considered acceptable in this instance in accordance with policies DM1, DM7 and DM20 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two.


Impact on  Neighbouring Amenity: 

9.27.       Policy DM20 seeks to ensure that development,  including a change of use do not harm the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers. 


9.28.       Neighbours have raised concerns over noise and disturbance. The proposed change of use from the existing dwelling to a three-bedroom HMO would result in a slightly more intensive use of the property. However, it is considered that any minimal increase in noise/disturbance would not be sufficient to warrant refusal of the application in this busy area of central Brighton. 


9.29.       The previous application was refused in part due concerns over the use of the conservatory as communal space and breakout-noise from this space having the potential for noise and disturbance for neighbouring occupiers. The reduction in the number of occupants and the provision of the top floor amenity space together with the proposed replacement roof sufficiently mitigates the potential harm.  


9.30.       Neighbours have expressed concerns about the use of the rear terrace in the scheme. Planning history shows the formation of the terrace was permitted in 2003 with planning conditions to ensure a 1.8m screen along the west elevation and 1.1m  to the south. There is no evidence of these physical boundaries on site, and it may be the case such a structure was never erected despite conditions to secure the screening remained in-situ. It is apparent that part of the flat roof where  the terrace is located also serves as access to 119A St James’ Street, and that occupiers of this neighbouring property also use the adjacent flat roof as amenity space. As a result, the spaces, as they are currently used by both occupants, present a loss of privacy to both flats through mutual overlooking. 


9.31.       The demarcation of these external amenity spaces would benefit the residents of both flats. Railings are proposed which is the welcome approach from a historic buildings perspective, and whilst they would provide an element of screening, this would not prevent a loss of privacy between 118a and 119a St James’ Terrace. Therefore, a screen detail must be secured for the western elevation of the terrace. Full details will be required and must also be acceptable from a historic building perspective. This can be secured by condition. 


9.32.       Whilst the comments from neighbouring occupiers have been noted, this is an area of Brighton with a relatively dense residential accommodation and residential flats and outdoor amenity spaces are in very close proximity to one another. The separation distances to other properties means the terrace is not considered to cause a significant loss of privacy to other neighbouring occupants. 


9.33.       It is not considered that the revised roof tiling to the conservatory would be overbearing or cause loss of light despite it appearing as a more substantial structure than the existing glazed roof. This would not be an overbearing structure, and the roof would not cause a loss of light. 


9.34.       Overall the change of use and the external alteration are not considered to cause significant harm to the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers in accordance with policy DM20 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two.


Sustainable Transport: 

9.35.       Vehicle trips associated with a 3 bed HMO use are unlikely to be significantly different from the use as a C3 maisonette. The location is in a highly sustainable part of the city with excellent access to cycle and car sharing schemes as well as bus and train routes.  Any overspill parking within the vicinity would be controlled by on-street parking restrictions. 


9.36.       No cycle parking has been proposed. Given the constraints of the site, it is unlikely that policy compliant (secure and convenient) cycle parking can be achieved in this instance. The Highways Team have not raised an objection to the proposal and the proposal is considered to accord with policy DM33 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two.



10.            EQUALITIES 

None identified





11.1.       The proposal includes alterations to the rear conservatory roof which are considered to be improvement to the insulation of the building.





12.1.       Under the Regulations of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 2010 (as amended), Brighton & Hove City Council adopted its CIL on 23 July 2020 and began charging on all CIL liable planning applications on and from the 5 October 2020. The exact amount will be confirmed in the CIL liability notice which will be issued as soon as it practicable after the issuing of planning permission.